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Councillor wishes students well as A level results come in

Dudley Council’s cabinet member for children’s services has congratulated young people across the borough on results day for A-Levels.

Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said:

We are delighted to see our students receiving their A Level and BTEC Level 3 results after two years of significant disruption and I would like to thank pupils, parents and teachers for their dedication and hard work to achieve today’s results.
Dudley Council is becoming a child friendly borough and it is a joy see so many amazing outcomes for our students today, which will allow them to go onto further education and training towards their chosen careers.
The dedication and enthusiasm that these students have demonstrated during this time, whatever their grades, is tremendous and they have shown pride, resilience, and tenacity throughout. My huge congratulations goes out to them.
The borough has a wealth of experience supporting our students in both our colleges and school sixth forms and any students who are unsure on next steps should talk to their home institution about the best options available.
I would like to wish our young people every success for the future and look forward to seeing them as part of the future workforce within the borough.

Students with any concerns about grades are urged to contact their place of study for help and support.

Information and advice on UCAS clearing is available online at and young people seeking career and job information can visit

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