Councillor Ian Bevan, cabinet member for public health, Dr Mohit Mandiratta and public health officer Rachael Doyle

Dadpad app is a hit

Hundreds of people in Dudley have downloaded a new app, which provides useful information on caring for babies and young children.


Dudley Council is promoting the Dadpad app, by Inspire Cornwall for fathers and soon-to-be dads, and more than 300 parents have already downloaded it since it went live in June

It is part of an ongoing initiative that aims to help dads be more confident and enjoy their new role as a parent and people can view a video about the app on Dudley Council's YouTube channel.

Free to download for Dudley residents, the app is packed with lots of useful information, including advice on feeding, holding, changing and cleaning, surviving without sleep, coping with crying, getting to know the baby, home safety, first aid, self-care and supporting a partner.

It also provides information on local support groups, service providers, how dads can support their partners and how to seek external support when needed.

Dr Mohit Mandiratta, who works as a GP at Feldon Medical Practise in Halesowen, said:

As a local GP in Dudley borough, and as a new dad, I find the Dadpad app is a fantastic resource for new parenting.
It offers great help with aspects of parenting such as changing and feeding a baby as well as other elements such as what to do if your child is feeling unwell.
Councillor Ian Bevan, cabinet member for public health, said:

Becoming a parent for the first or second time can be rather overwhelming at times and it’s important for new parents to know they are not alone.
This new app offers lots of helpful information and details for new dads, and we know happier parents mean happier children.
Dudley Council is working towards creating a child friendly borough and we offer support to young families through the five family hubs.
We are also encouraging parents to learn about the Start for Life programme, which gives help and advice on making healthy choices for them and their children.
To download the app, people can go to and follow the instructions.

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Dudley Council