little girl in witch costume credit charles parker pexels

Have a safe and fun Halloween 2021

It’s half term and spooky season is nearly here, but families can still have fun safely.

amilies who are trick or treating should try to visit houses of people they know and stay in well-lit areas. It’s important to keep your distance where possible and carry hand sanitiser.

Anyone giving our treats should opt for treats that are individually wrapped.

If you’re celebrating indoors, let fresh air in and think about wearing a face mask.

Most importantly, if you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of Covid-19, stay at home and get a PCR test, there’s always next year.

Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for public health said:
While we all want to have fun and spend time with family and friends, we need to remember that Covid’s not over and cases are still high in the borough.
There are a series of steps we can all take to keep ourselves and others space if you are trick or treating. Keep your distance, wash or sanitise your hands when you can and if you are celebrating inside let lots of fresh air in and consider wearing a mask.
Let’s all be considerate, kind and safe this half term.

Some Dudley borough residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 have displayed other symptoms. Though these are not the COVID symptoms, we would like to encourage residents to get tested as a precaution:
• headaches
• sore throat
• runny nose
• sneezing
• aches and pains
• feeling very tired for no good reason
• tummy ache in children.

When booking coronavirus test online, select the below option on the online COVID test booking form:
My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with) to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms.

If you have any of these other symptoms you do not need to isolate unless you have a positive test result.

Contact Information

Dudley Council