Teenage girl

National Care Leavers Week 2021

Dudley Council is celebrating the many achievements of young people who are care leavers as part of National Care Leavers Week.

Running from 25 to 31 October, the national week raises awareness and showcases the 10,000 children who become care leavers every year.

In Dudley borough, 320 young people aged 16 to 25, are classed as care leavers and are given support from Dudley Council. A special event will be held on Wednesday (27 October) to celebrate their achievements.

There are many care leavers working in a variety of exciting and important roles including leisure, retails, sales, law, health and child and social care. Many of the young people also contribute to their local communities through volunteering and playing grass roots sports.

Dudley Council’s children’s services has six care leavers undertaking an apprenticeship in Customer Services. Several young people are also at university studying courses including social work and a master’s degree in advanced chemistry.

Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children and young people, said:

Dudley Council is working with partners across the borough to build the vision of a Child Friendly Dudley, where every child and young person can meet their potential.
We are so proud of every single one of our children in care and seeing our care leavers prepare to go into the big world is both emotional and exciting.
We have several university students and lots of others who have secured fulfilling rolls in the working world. Some of our care leavers have themselves become carers for their siblings, offering them a stable home environment, by working in partnership with social workers.

For more information about National Care Leavers Week please contact Care Leavers Service 01384 817618

Care leavers and young people in care can find the latest information, help and support at  https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/care-and-health/children-and-family-care/care-leavers/

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Dudley Council
