Online sessions for young people with SEND
Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can benefit from a series of online events that are being organised by Dudley SENDIASS.
Dudley’s SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service), which provides impartial support and advice to young people with SEND and their families, is offering the free post 16 ‘Transition into Adulthood’ series.
The events are aimed young people aged 14 to 25 with SEND, as well as the parents or carers and professionals who support them.
Hosted through MS Teams, the events will provide an opportunity for people to hear from agencies and settings and to ask questions about how they will be supported as they move into the adult world.
Young people with or without an EHCP are welcome to attend and the sessions. Spaces on the session must be booked in advance.
Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said:
We are very pleased these online sessions are being offered to young people across the borough with SEND.
It will provide families the chance to hear from agencies and settings and gives young people the opportunity to ask their questions as they prepare to transition into the adult world.
Topics include post 16 educational settings on Wednesday 27 January, employment and training opportunities on Wednesday 3rd February and making that transition into adulthood on Wednesday 10 February.
To find out more about Dudley SENDIASS service and to see the full schedule of events people can visit the learning and school pages.