teenager school

Parents urged to be vigilant as Covid cases rise

Covid cases are continuing to rise in Dudley borough, with the largest numbers of cases being seen in children and young people.

There have been a number of outbreaks in educational settings across the borough, with 1043 cases per 100,000 in primary settings and 1249 cases per 100,00 in secondary schools. This compares to an all age rate (children and adults of all ages) of 463 per 100,00.

Public health is working with schools and colleges to look at ways of reducing transmission and parents are urged to remember the importance of testing. People who are eligible and have not yet had their COVID-19 vaccine should take up the offer.

Secondary school pupils are being urged to wear face coverings in communal areas and pupils of all ages can play their part by practising good hand hygiene and giving space to one another, especially indoors.

Measures are likely to vary depending on case numbers in the local area and would only be introduced for a short time in response to outbreaks. Children and young people could be asked to seek a PCR test if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said: 
Much like many areas of the country, we are seeing an increased number of Covid cases in our children and young people and some of our educational settings are experiencing outbreaks.
With half term coming up, we are advising families to be vigilant and continue to do lateral flow tests at home, and seek a PCR test if these are positive or their children show symptoms.
Public health is working with our schools to look at possible ways to reduce transmission and keep everyone safe and we are asking everyone to support their child’s school if measures are briefly reintroduced.

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