Mayor of Dudley Cllr Hilary Bills and Cllr Stuart Henley presenting a cheque to the mayor's charities

Santa makes a late delivery to the Mayor of Dudley

The Mayor of Dudley has received a late gift from Santa – a £600 donation to her chosen charities.

The funds were raised through the Halesowen North Santa Runs, which took donations throughout December while out greeting residents on the streets. Santa and his sleigh visit the streets of Halesowen and families can meet Santa and his friends and are invited to make a donation to charity.

Halesowen North councillor Stuart Henley, who organises the runs, visited the mayor’s parlour this week to hand over a large cheque.

Councillor Hilary Bills, the Mayor of Dudley, said:

“I was so happy to receive this donation to my charities from Councillor Stuart Henley.

“He puts so much time into this every year working with a team of volunteers and local businesses who offer their time and generous support to make this happen.

 “The Santa Run is absolutely in-keeping with the spirit of Christmas and I’m so grateful for the work they do to raise money for a host of local charities.”

Each year the monies are split between local charities based on a poll. This year they raised £1300 with £350 each going to Pepper’s Pet Rescue, £350 to Fur and Feather Animal Sanctuary. The remaining £600 went to the mayor’s charities which this year includes Access in Dudley, Diabetes UK and the Friends of Dudley Performing Arts.

More on the Santa Run:

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