Sessions to help those with special educational needs
Parents of children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) as well as young people who have SEND can benefit from a series of workshops and sessions over the coming months.
Dudley SENDIAS (special educational needs & disabilities information advice and support) Service, which offers impartial information, advice and support for young people with SEND and the parents and carers of children with SEND, is running a range of online activities.
The programme of events includes understanding the annual review and emergency review process on October 15 and December 7, preparation for post 16 transition on October 19 and December 14 and understanding how to access support within settings on November 9.
There are also sessions on understanding the EHCP process on November 18, preparation to attend meetings within settings on November 26 and reading through your draft EHCP on November 29.
The service is also launching the ’Let’s Talk About….’ series of events, working with partner agencies to discuss topics around Mental Health, Wednesday 16 February, and specialist support services on Wednesday 25 May.
Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children and young people, said:
We recognise how vital it is for young people with SEND and the parents and carers of children with SEND to feel supported. We know these informative workshops and sessions will prove very useful to families.
Our vision for a Child Friendly Dudley means that all children and young people should be given the chance to fulfil their potential and, as a borough-wide community, we are coming together to make this a reality.
For a full list of activities on offer people can visit the Dudley SENDIAS service website http://dudleysendiass.org.uk/
To book on to a workshop people can email dudley.sendiass@dudley.gov.uk