Child with playdough

Stay and play at borough family hubs

Parents and carers with children aged under five can enjoy crafts, play and singing at free sessions at the borough’s new local family hubs.

The hubs are now holding weekly stay and play sessions for children aged from birth to five years and their parents and carers, with separate sessions for babies up to a year old.

All sessions are free and families can enjoy craft activities, baby sensory play, messy play, singing and music, as well as free play. Refreshments are provided.

The stay and play sessions for children up to five-years-old run at the hubs in:

Selbourne Road, Dudley - Tuesdays 10am - 12noon; Bayer Street, Coseley, - Fridays 09.30 - 11.30am; Forge Road, Stourbridge -Tuesdays 9.30 - 11.30am; Halesowen Town Hall - Thursdays from 10am - noon (outreach from the family hub based in Lye)

The sessions for babies up to one-year-old are at the hubs in: Parkes Street, Brierley Hill - Tuesdays from 1.30-3pm; Bayer Street, Coseley – Mondays, 1-2.30pm; Selbourne Road, Dudley – Tuesdays, 2-4pm; Forge Road, Stourbridge- Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am and 11am - noon.

Booking is advised.

Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said:

“Our family hubs offer a fantastic range of services, support and information for families and these stay and play sessions are a great addition.

“Children under five years-old and their parents and carers can enjoy singing, stories, craft activities and more at these free sessions.

“Our child friendly Dudley ambition is every child and young person in the borough has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel safe and secure, have access to the right services and are able to learn, play and grow while fulfilling their huge potential.

“Please do visit to find out more about our hubs and all they have to offer.”

The hubs form part of a wider Dudley family hub network offering a range of services for families, including parenting groups, baby clinics, pre-natal and family support work.

For more information about the new family hubs, the stay and play sessions and how to book a session visit

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