Media Releases

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Coins with monopoly houses on top

Cash from developers to boost Shell Corner improvements

Up to £60,000 is to be spent on improvements to an area of Halesowen from a cash pot funded by developers building in the borough.

Regenerating Dudley Graphic

Leader urges rapid regeneration in Dudley

The leader of Dudley Council today said plans for a new “university” must continue at pace as council bosses look set to consider details in a report next week.

Tc shopping

Traders consulted on safe shopping measures

Businesses in town centres across Dudley borough are being consulted on measures put in place as part of plans to keep people safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Councillor Taylor with traveller protocol documents

New joint agreement on dealing with unauthorised traveller encampments

Council bosses and police have put pen to paper on a new joint agreement to tackle unauthorised traveller encampments in the borough.

VLR innovation centre artists impression

Very Light Rail plans “under threat” as government funding plea issued

Plans to pioneer Very Light Rail technology in the borough and put Dudley on the national map are “under threat”, the leader of the council said today