Media Releases

76 items found, showing page 5 of 7

Laura Taylor in CCTV control room

Work starts on latest CCTV phase

Work has started on phase three of a major expansion of the CCTV network across Dudley borough.

Councillor Laura Taylor

PSPOs now in force for Dudley and Lye town centres

Two new Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) will soon come into force to tackle issues of anti-social behaviour, with offenders facing fines of up to £1,000.

Councillor Laura Taylor

At least eight new cameras as CCTV network set to grow

The crime-fighting CCTV network across Dudley borough is set to be extended to include new cameras at seven sites as part of a £240,000 programme.

Councillor Taylor

National relocation programme in Dudley

A small number of Afghans who aided British troops by developing crucial lines of communication to support the war effort will be setting up home in the borough as part of a national relocation programme.

Court gavel

Council tenant banned from home following court ruling

A council tenant has been ordered to leave her Stourbridge home following complaints of serious anti-social behaviour and suspected criminal activity.

Cllr Laura Taylor

Housing fraud prosecutions

Two tenants have been ordered to pay costs and fines totalling hundreds of pounds after being caught illegally subletting their Dudley Council properties.

Councillor Taylor with CCTV

CCTV boost to tackling fly-tipping

A major blow has been struck in the battle against fly-tippers across Dudley borough with the launch of a series of deployable CCTV cameras to hit hot spots.

Court gavel

Woman in court after illegally renting out council flat

A woman who illegally rented out her council flat has been ordered to pay nearly £1,500 by a court.

Laura Taylor in CCTV control room

Lye CCTV scheme presses ahead

Tall poles are being installed at key points in Lye to carry the new network of CCTV cameras to keep watch over the town.

Laura Taylor in CCTV control room

CCTV control room goes live

A new CCTV nerve centre has gone live - the centre piece of a major £1.7million upgrade of the camera system across Dudley borough.

Library books

Libraries re-open for click and collect service

Libraries across the borough have re-opened today (Mon) to offer a click and collect service on books for residents.

Laura Taylor holding a CCTv sign in Lye

Work starts on CCTV scheme in Lye

Work has started on a major upgrade of CCTV in Lye as part of a £1.7million plan.