Media Releases
6 items found

Play your part in the Covid-19 fight this Christmas
As Christmas approaches, people in Dudley are being urged to stick to government restrictions and think very carefully before seeing people from other households.

Thanks from community leaders ahead of Diwali
Community leaders have re-iterated their thanks to people of all faiths for the solidarity shown by groups in the continued fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Joint enforcement operation in Dudley
Dudley Council’s cabinet member for health has reminded businesses of the need to comply with Covid-19 restrictions or risk facing fines and legal action.

Primary school praised for work in national report
A primary school in Dudley has been highlighted in a national report for its excellent work in helping parents and children prepare to go back after lockdown.

Coseley Sports Centre re-opens
Coseley Sports Centre has partially re-opened after being shut as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Buy local’ campaign launched to support borough businesses
People are being encouraged to ‘shop, visit and explore local’ as part of a new campaign supporting borough businesses and tourist attractions.