Media Releases

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Lab coat vaccines

Dudley Council to join National Day of Reflection

Dudley Council’s chief executive is encouraging people to support a National Day of Reflection tomorrow (23 March) - 12 months to the day when the country went into its first national lockdown due to Covid-19.

Supermarket fruit stall

Shop Fairtrade this Fairtrade Fortnight

Support for Fairtrade continues during lockdown with shoppers being encouraged to put a Fairtrade item in their real or virtual shopping trolley this month.

Tradesman working

Dudley Council is best regional apprenticeship employer

Dudley Council has been recognised as one of the UK’s top apprenticeship employers, scoring 43rd in a nationwide list.

CovidComms Shortlisted

Award nod for Dudley Council’s news and information

Dudley Council has been recognised nationally for the way it is sharing news and information with people during the coronavirus pandemic.

Supporters of fairtrade

Stourbridge celebrates 10 years of Fairtrade

Stourbridge is celebrating ten years as a Fairtrade Town thanks to ongoing work by Stourbridge Fairtrade.

Microphone by computer screen

Live debate with council chiefs

People will be able to put their questions to two senior Dudley Council figures in a special screened debate.

Mayor trail - resized

Local business to walk Dudley Trail

Employees from The Lee, Shaw Partnership will be hitting the trail this weekend to raise money for charity

Microphone by computer screen

Leader in live questions and answers session

People will be able to put their questions to two senior Dudley Council figures in a special screened debate.

cllr harley-2

Freedom of Borough recognises heroes

NHS, social care and other frontline workers have been granted the Freedom of the Borough for their efforts during the coronavirus crisis.

BC Flag high res

Artwork comes flooding in for Black Country challenge

Artists and photographers have been sharing their colourful creations as part of the Mayor of Dudley’s challenge to mark the Black Country Festival.

BC Flag high res

Mayor’s creative call for the Black Country

Artists and photographers are being asked to come forward to capture the spirit of the region as part of the Black Country Festival.

Supporters of fairtrade

Stourbridge still a Fairtrade town

Stourbridge continues to celebrate being a Fairtrade Town after the National Fairtrade Foundation renewed its status.