Media Releases
48 items found, showing page 3 of 4
Council shares winter travel safety tips
Cyclists and pedestrians are being urged to ‘Be Bright and Be Seen’ as the darker nights draw in.
Tree planting marks 65th anniversary for Wrens Nest
Volunteers planted 65 trees at Wrens Nest National Nature Reserve (NNR) yesterday (8 December), marking the reserve’s 65th anniversary since it became a National Nature Reserve.
Council pledges £2m on potholes
Council chiefs have promised a £2 million spend to tackle potholes in Dudley borough over the next three years.
Team show true grit as winter weather arrives
More than 500 tonnes of grit salt went down on Dudley borough roads over the weekend as snow, ice and high winds hit the region.
Council gritting as cold snap hits
Gritting crews are expected to work across the borough this week, as Dudley experiences its first proper cold snap of the season.
Event to mark centenary park improvements
People can enjoy all the fun of the fair at Stevens Park centenary event on Wednesday 27 October from 11am.
Dudley Council parks and green spaces get Green Flag status
In a record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award, awards have been given to seven of the borough’s parks, nature reserves and allotments.
Council welcomes funding for key route
Dudley Council’s transport chief has welcomed a £50,000 pot of cash to scope out possible investment to the A461 between Dudley, Brierley Hill and Stourbridge.
Love Your Parks Week
People in Dudley are being asked to get behind their local parks by helping to keep them clean as part of a national campaign from Keep Britain Tidy.
Hard-hitting campaign continues to target litter louts
Fly-tippers and litter louts are being targeted in a hard-hitting campaign, which coincides with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean.
Birmingham and Black Country come top in global nature challenge
Dudley Council is thanking people from across Birmingham and the Black Country for supporting the region’s contribution to the annual City Nature Challenge.
Plant your tree in virtual forest campaign
People across the region are playing their part in a virtual forest, in a bid to plant a new tree for every West Midlands resident by 2035.