Media Releases

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Teenage girl

Sessions to help those with special educational needs

Parents of children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) as well as young people who have SEND can benefit from a series of workshops and sessions over the coming months.

Teenage girl

Partnership highly commended for helping young people

A Dudley Council partnership has been highly commended at the inaugural National Children & Young People Awards for its work.

child play doh

Dudley summer programme is a big hit

More than 4,000 children and young people have taken part in a range of exciting free activities over the school holidays.

child play doh

Summer programme for Dudley children

Children who are eligible for free school meals in Dudley borough are being offered a fantastic programme of activities for the school holidays.

Teenage girl

Young people with SEND invited to sessions

Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can benefit from a series of online events from Dudley Council.

Cllr Ruth Buttery 2

Dudley’s call for foster carers

People who are considering fostering in Dudley borough can take part in virtual sessions as part of national Foster Care Fortnight.

Two people shaking hands

Dudley Youth Council mental health training

The new intake of Dudley Youth Council has announced that young people’s mental health is one of their priorities for 2021.

Cllr Ruth Buttery 2

Reassurance for pupils returning to school

Education and health chiefs are reassuring parents and students of their safety in the run-up to schools re-opening next week with increased testing and safety measures.

Councillor Ruth Buttery

Online sessions for young people with SEND

Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can benefit from a series of online events that are being organised by Dudley SENDIASS.

Cllr Ruth Buttery 2

Creative ways for home learning

As parents support children with home schooling due to the lockdown, there may be one useful tool they have overlooked – the Xbox or PlayStation.

Thank you written on paper

School raises thousands for hospice

Kindhearted pupils and staff from St Margaret’s at Hasbury Primary School have raised more than £2,100 for Mary Stevens Hospice with a sponsored Reindeer Run.

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Winter grant set to help families

Families struggling to put food on the table this Christmas “will not be forgotten in Dudley borough” the leader of Dudley Council has pledged today.